
Explore Peru

Peru Placeholder

Destinations & Activities


Peru Facts

Currency: Peruvian Sol (exchange rate)








Language: Spanish


Population: 31.9 million


Fun fact: Potatoes originally came from Peru, and there are over 3,000 different varieties there today.


Basic phrases:

  1. Hi: Hola
  2. Bye: Adios
  3. Please: Por favor
  4. Thank you: Gracias
  5. Yes: Sí
  6. No: No
  7. I’m sorry: Lo siento
  8. Excuse me: Perdón
  9. Where’s the bathroom?: ¿Donde está el baño?
  10. Do you speak English?: ¿Habla ingles?


Peru Posts:

My first college spring break was not spent at home, nor in Florida getting drunk at the beach for a