My first college spring break was not spent at home, nor in Florida getting drunk at the beach for a week straight (that was reserved for senior year, unfortunately, and was a week I, in hindsight, could probably have done without), nor in some Caribbean country, which has apparently very popular lately amongst rich college kids funded by their rich parents. My freshman year, I hopped on a plane with my mom, Meredith, Trevor, and Grayson to finally return to Peru after 12 years.
While my original ancestors came from Italy, the past several generations have been settled in Peru. My grandparents lived there up until a year or two before my mother was born, and my mother spoke in Spanish only up until she was 4 years old. For decades my Peruvian family has owned a beautiful home in Lima, but after the passing of my great grandfather, they decided to sell. This trip was our last chance to see and stay in our old family home, and was a chance for Trevor and Grayson to see for the first time where they came from.
Most of the visit was spent in Lima (Miraflores is absolutely breathtaking), but we also went to Ancón for an afternoon to see our Tío Lucho and lay on the Peruvian beaches. Though I was 18 years old at the time, I would give anything to go back now that I am older and packed with a lot more common sense.
All photos are courtesy of my mother’s Flickr (I had left my phone at home in Maryland, because this was before the time that I was so attached to my phone that it rarely even leaves my hand, and I didn’t yet own a camera. I look forward to getting back there and doing my own photowalk, but in the meantime felt it necessary to document this visit, as it is the last visit to our family home, and only my second trip to South America). Lima is great, and not to be skipped over in the mad dash to get to Machu Picchu.

Located on the western coast of central Peru, Lima is the capital of the country and its hub (a little over an hour flight from Cusco, but do remember that there is more the Peru than Cusco).

One of the most affluent and upscale districts of Lima, in the southern part of the city right along the shore. It is full of restaurants, endless shopping opportunities, nightlife, and parks. Obviously one of the biggest tourist attractions in Lima, and rightfully so.
Playa YuYos
Located in Costa Verde in the Barranco District, a bit south of Miraflores.
Ahh, Ancón. Ancón is a district in northern Lima, which is a beautiful and popular beach resort town that has tons and tons of visitors from the city throughout the year. I could spend weeks here. Such a fantastic place to de-stress.

Have you ever been to Lima (even if it was on the way to Machu Picchu, like everyone else)? What’s your most favorite part?