So here we are, back in the United States. It almost feels like we were never even gone (probably because we were gone for three days, so we basically were actually never even gone). Mixed feelings about this. Honestly, nothing like coming home to America after being out of the country. But also nothing like going abroad (and yes, Canada counts as abroad. I had to remember every time I got on the road that the speed limit was 100 kilometers per hour, not 100 miles per hour). Regardless, our abroad time had to come to an end, and what better way to receive a nice warm welcome from our homeland than by passing through Niagara Falls?
Highlight of Niagara Falls – Niagara Falls
I am not going to sit here and say that there are necessarily any other highlights of Buffalo, New York besides the Falls themselves, because I do not want to be dishonest. The town is kind of cute, but it is obvious what people mean when they say it is at its core a tourist trap. It is touristy. They know people come for the Falls, and that they stay for the Falls. One thing I’ve heard about Buffalo is that it is getting more into the craft beer scene, but obviously drinking craft beer and driving four hours afterwards do not go hand in hand (what kind of person do you think I am??). Other than that though? Basically just Niagara tours out the wazoo. Anything you want to do pertaining to the Falls, you can find it here. Some of the top-rated things to do are Cave of the Winds, which takes you inside the Niagara Gorge, getting you as close to the Falls as you can possibly get, Maid of the Mist, a boat tour that lets you feel the powerful mist of the Falls, and Rainbow Bridge, connecting the USA and Canada over the gorge.
We did not do any of those things, because we did not want to wait amongst the hoards of people, nor did we want to pay for it. We were simply passing through, curiosity getting the best of us.
After getting back over the border from Canada (and being reunited with sweet, sweet cell service), we parked the car and wandered around for a bit, looking for the Falls. They were actually not the easiest to find. It seemed like a regular, sort of deserted town from where we were standing. I guess I was expecting the entire city to be overwrought with a deafening roar from the crashing waterfalls, but this was not the case. And I have to tell you, I actually half expected to be disappointed when my eyes first feasted themselves on this water that draws people from all over the world. After all the hype, I was almost certain that they were going to be underwhelming.
But, for all my bitching, I was not disappointed. They were beautiful.
We were able to even look longingly over at our new friend Canada across the way. We missed her already.
I think Niagara Falls is a great place to go for an hour or two, and I’m sure that the tours that they offer are incredible experiences. We enjoyed ourselves, and truly truly were able to marvel in this beauty (I love water, as many people may know). I cannot see coming here for a weekend, though, and the deterrent is the same deterrent that is typical of touristy spots: the crowds and the prices (and yes, we did find the crowds after steering ourselves off of the back street where we left our car). We didn’t even attempt to try to grab a bite to eat while here, knowing it was going to probably be more than we wanted to spend (that, and we had also gotten four meals’ worth of food from Tim Horton’s on our way out of Canada, because how can you not? When the border control agent asked us if we were bringing any food over the border, we showed him our donuts and he rolled his eyes like we were the dumbest morons he’d ever encountered).
Up Next…
We said our goodbyes to Niagara, hopped back in the car (which was starting to smell; please for the love of all that is holy, if you go on a long road trip and eat in the car, bring some air fresheners), and cruised southbound towards PITTSBURGH! The home of many friends from college, what we hoped to be lots more new road trip memories, and, of course, the accursed Pittsburgh Steelers.