
Destinations & Activities
Japan Facts
Currency: Yen (exchange rate)
Language: Japanese
Population: 127 million
Fun fact: Every spring, Kawasaki, Japan hosts a festival that celebrates the penis and fertility called Kanamara Matsuri, or Festival of the Steel Phallus.
Basic phrases:
- Good morning: Ohayou
- Good afternoon: Konnichiwa
- Good evening: Konbanwa
- Goodbye: Sayounara
- Please: O-negai shimasu
- Thank you: Arigato
- Yes: Hai
- No: Iie
- I’m sorry: Gomennasai
- Excuse me: Sumimasen
- Where’s the bathroom?: Otearai wa doko desuka?
- Do you speak English?: Eigo o hanasemasu ka?
Visa Requirements
(via travel.state.gov)
You must have a valid passport and an onward/return ticket for tourist/business “visa free” stays of up to 90 days. Your passport must be valid for the entire time you are staying in Japan.