Explore Poland


Poland Facts
Currency: Zloty (exchange rate)
Language: Polish
Population: 38.5 million
Fun fact: Poland is home to more “World’s Strongest Man” winners than any other country.
Basic phrases:
- Hi: Cześć (Ches-tch)
- Bye: Do widzenia (d-oh veedzenia)
- Please: Proszę (prosh-eh)
- Thank you: Dziękuję (Jen KOO yeh)
- Yes: Tak (t-ah-k)
- No: Nie (Nee-eh)
- I’m sorry: Przepraszam (psheh-prasham)
- Where’s the bathroom?: Gdzie jest łazienka? (g-dyah yest wah-zhen-kah)
- Do you speak English?: Mówisz po Angielsku? (moo-veesh poe ang-yell-skool)