Explore Iceland


Iceland Facts
Currency: Icelandic Krona (exchange rate)
Language: Icelandic
Population: 332k
Fun fact: Icelandic people do not have typical hereditary surnames. Instead, a last name is the first name of the person’s father combined with son for a son or dóttir for a daughter. For example, a woman whose father’s name is Gunnar would have the surname Gunnarsdóttir.
Basic phrases:
- Hi: Halló (Ha-low)
- Bye: Bless (Bless)
- Please: Gjörðu svo vel (Gyur-dhu svo vel)
- Thank you: Takk (Tahk)
- Yes: Já (Yaw)
- No: Nei (Nay)
- I’m sorry: Því miður (Thvee mi-thur)
- Excuse me: Afsakið (Av-sa-kith)
- Where’s the bathroom?: Hvar er klósettið? (Hvar er kloh-se-htee?)
- Do you speak English?: Talarðu ensku? (Ta-lar-thu en-sku?)