Czech Republic

Czech Facts
Currency: Czech koruna (exchange rate)
Language: Czech
Population: 10.5 million
Fun fact: The Prague Castle is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the largest castle in the world.
Basic phrases:
- Hi: Ahoj (ahoy)
- Bye: Ahoj (ahoy)
- Please: Prosím (pro-seem)
- Thank you: Děkuju (dyeh-kooyoo)
- Yes: Ano (ah-noh)
- No: Ne (neh)
- I’m sorry: Lituji (lituyi)
- Excuse me: Prominte (promintey)
- Where’s the bathroom?: Kde je toaleta? (kdeh yeh toh-ah-le-ta)
- Do you speak English?: Mluvíte Anglicky? (mlooveete anglitskee)
Visa Requirements
(via travel.state.gov)
Tourist visa not required for stays under 90 days.