You can argue with me all you want, but that does not change the fact that fall is one incredible season. The changing of the colors, the smells of the falling leaves, the brisk temperatures and, usually, fewer rainfalls (a huge relief after enduring millions of violent summer thunderstorms). Blue skies and light breezes are fall’s specialties. It is a perfect time to get outdoors, to go on a hike, to throw on a light jacket and some shorts and bask in the fact that you are NOT drenched in sweat and your own body grease for the first time in months (sorry, is that gross? Don’t blame me. Blame biology and THE NASTY HEAT OF SUMMERTIME).
The autumn is also a fantastic, if not ideal, time to get away for the weekend. And the East Coast of the good ole USofA is full of fantastic, if not ideal, weekend getaway destinations! I have a bone to pick with those “West Coast Best Coast” proponents. I feel like I have constantly had to defend the East Coast since graduating from college, after living in Arizona and dating someone for over a year who had barely left Southern California his entire life. “The West Coast is unparalleled in its beauty and economic opportunities,” he used to say, having spent exactly five days on the East Coast since his conception. “The East Coast just isn’t for me.” Yes, San Diego and Los Angeles are exciting places. Yes, Seattle has a pretty good job market (though it isn’t topping any lists). Yes, the mountains and natural beauty of the West Coast is certainly something to behold. I do not yet know where I will finally settle (East Coast? West Coast? Midwest?) and love each part of the country very much, but HAVE grown up as an East Coast girl. So guess what, buckos? The East Coast is beautiful, fast-paced and exciting, has an insanely rich history, makes it easy to get from one awesome destination to the next, AND has the added bonus of not suffering from a prolonged drought. So enough with this “West Coast Best Coast” business. Give the Eastern States some love.
Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest (I don’t like to discriminate, even when it comes to landscapes), I will say this: the Pocono Mountains are a prime location to spend an autumn weekend. They are within driving distance from many major US cities, including Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York City (and Washington DC and Boston, too, though the drive is more like four or five hours from these cities), making it weekend-getaway-accessible. After my first visit to the Poconos, I have nothing but positive approbation to spew.
Where to Stay
Airbnb PEOPLE!!! I must say, I have not had a lot of experience with this company and what it has to offer enough as of yet, but I think the concept is absolutely genius. The purpose of our trip was to celebrate the 25th birthdays of two of our college friends, and we rented a big house for the weekend that is only a five minute walk from Lake Naomi. It was a really quiet area, with adorable homes and trees and water everywhere — everything you could want from a mountain town. And it was plenty accessible to grocery stores to buy our Jello shot ingredients and Dunkin Donuts to buy our subsequently necessary morning coffee. I did the math and each of us should have been allocated 6.8 Jello shots, but I think I had at least 10 so my advice would be to bring friends who can actually pull their damn weight (JUST KIDDING. I LOVE THEM ALL, but can’t say that I loved that Jello hangover).

Hike Camelback
Camelback Mountain (interestingly sharing its name with the much more mountainous mountain out in my old Phoenix home) is actually a ski resort, but before snowfall boasts tons of gorgeous views and countless hiking trails. Despite the pain I have had in my left ankle and knee for many months, I was able to do this with relative ease…the trails range in difficulty and can be taken at a quick or leisurely pace. One of our friends is originally from the Poconos (our own Poconos Princess) and brought us to Camelback herself to show off what a beaut her hometown is. We appreciated it muchly.
Indoor Waterparks
The Camelback Ski Resort is home to its own indoor waterpark in addition to its many other offerings! This is perfect for kids (or kidults). Waterparks are a huge thing in this region, attracting a lot of tourists from all up and down the coast. These mountains have some of America’s largest indoor waterparks, which is pretty cool if you like that kind of thing. The relatively new Kalahari park is part of a larger lux resort: an option if you really want to do your vacation up fancy.
Outdoor Activities
The outdoor activity list is endless, from boating and kayaking on the many lakes in the Poconos, to zip-lining through the forests, to horseback riding amongst the waterfalls, for those inclined to want to straddle large animals (having a 6-pound chihuahua child myself, I am not ashamed to say that I am slightly terrified of horses, but last summer I went on a ride through the Rocky Mountains, which took us to amazing places with amazing and unforgettable views — absolutely a cool experience that I would recommend to anyone). Even if you’re just sitting out on your deck at your very affordable Airbnb with a cold beer and enjoying the air and scenery, GET OUTSIDE. This place is something else, and the fall weather is meant to be enjoyed.
Chilly Temperatures
For some reason that only Jesus Christ himself knows, I packed two bathing suits, a couple of pairs of shorts, and a backless tank top for this trip (and that is all). I pictured us frolicking through the water, swimming and splashing merrily and joyously until the sun set. I am actually stupid. I think the warmest it got up there was about 65°F, which even for me, with my complete inability to handle any sort of heat or sun, was a little chilly (but then again, one of the appeals of fall is its cool, crisp, refreshing air, no?). Needless to say, I did not don a single bikini the entire weekend, but did, as I was lacking anything sensible or appropriate to wear into the woods, decide to throw on the backless tank top for our Camelback hike, and then proceed to wear the Charles Street 12 race pullover that I had in my car the rest of the weekend even after I sweated in it and then showered. It is late September, and the elevation is higher than sea level (thus leading to chillier temps), so packing appropriately is important.

Mid-Atlantic dwellers (DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York…I’m lookin’ at you) are blessed to have such an amazing retreat so close by to venture as summertime says its goodbyes for the year and autumn says its hellos. You won’t be submerging yourself into the lake water, but you will definitely not be at a loss for what to do (we didn’t even get to do everything that we wanted to in the weekend that we had). Whether it’s your friend’s birthday or a long overdue family vacation, the Poconos, with its bright colors, stunning views, and warm hospitality, is worth checking out at least once for everybody.